Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Solution Watch Review

out-of-service Pictures, Images and Photos
Photo by xcucax

In contrast with my last post on Read Write Web, the Solution Watch blog  is nearly its perfect opposite. While this blog seems to have once had valid articles on the latest Web 2.0 technology, it’s now wildly out of date. The last post was updated in October of 2007, which is kind of sad, because I really liked its clean interface and the lack of overwhelming advertising found on so many others.
The information provided on the old articles is detailed, visual, and easy to read – which seems to be why the editor decided to keep the site up despite choosing to no longer update it. Unfortunately, with the rapid growth of technological trends the information found there is already too far out of date to be of use, unless of course you’re still struggling along with outdated technology yourself.  If that’s the case, you might just want to check out some of the archived articles through the link above – while their still available.

1 comment:

  1. Dharma,

    I came across a few blogs like that, unfortunately. While they seem like they would be very helpful, it seems that the authors have simply "moved on." This assignment actually reminded me of a blog I kept about a year ago, and it's been pushing me to update it!

    I did check out SolutionWatch, and I agree that it has some great information on it, even if the technology is somewhat outdated. However, you provide a great option - maybe those who are struggling with that technology will appreciate the clean layout!

    Good job!

